Strategic Direction

Leigh School has a strong and aspirational strategic direction that we are proud of. Our school vision is Ako Tahi – Learning and Thriving Together. Our school values are Atawhai – Kindness, Manaakitanga – Respect and Tiakitanga – Responsibility   

Click here 2024/2025 Strategic Plan to view the current Strategic Plan. A strategic plan is the process of setting goals, deciding on actions to achieve those goals, and mobilizing the resources needed to take those actions.

Click here  2024 Annual Plan to view our current one year Annual Plan. Our annual plan shows what initiatives we intend to implement to achieve our strategic goals. It also indicates the impacts we hope to achieve, the key actions we will take, and the measures we will use to monitor success.

Click here Statement of Variance to view the current Statement of Variance. A statement of variance sets out to evaluate the progress made towards achieving the strategic goals and targets of our 2023 Annual Plan

Click here to view the most recent Leigh School ERO Report (You will also find quotes from the ERO report throughout this website.)

Click here to view the Leigh School Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.

Policies and Procedures

Leigh School uses School Docs to manage its policies and procedures. To access School Docs please click here. Username: leigh  Password: kaitiaki.

“Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.”

Click here to view our Health and Safety Policy


Community Connections

The school enjoys high levels of community engagement and has a strong local curriculum. The principal and trustees seek, value and include the perspectives of the school’s community in planning and decision-making. Strengthening and extending partnerships with parents/whānau to support their children’s learning and progress has been identified as a priority.
 Leigh School ERO Report 2016 

We are proudly located in the Ngati Manuhiri rohe, and enjoy learning about the history of the area. Many of our present and former students are descendants of the Ngāti Manuhiri hapu. When invited we enjoy visits to Omaha Marae to learn about the history of our area and to have a chance to practice our Te Reo skills, in addition to our Kapa Haka whole school practices and weekly Te Reo sessions.




Enviroschool Kaupapa

Leigh School is an Enviroschool, following the Enviroschools Programme. What does this mean? It means we are commited to a long-term sustainability journey, where our tamariki/students connect with and explore the environment, then plan, design and take action in their local places in collaboration with their communities.

We have a strong environmental focus as we are fortunate to live in a very unique location. The school grounds are extensive, offering plenty of green space and opportunity, for students to become empowered. We  learn about sustainability, and develop our sense of place, culture and the environment. 

Less than 5 minutes drive away is Goat Island Marine Reserve, the oldest ‘no-take’ marine reserve in the world! Another nearby special place is the Tawharanui Reserve – both a marine reserve and a bird sanctuary. Finally, just out to sea from our school is Hauturu (Little Barrier), which is one of the oldest reserves in the country.  Hauturu is a special place for Ngati Manuhiri who are the kaitiaki (guardians) there.



Our Pepeha

Ko Tamahunga maunga te reo aroha o taku ngākau.

Tamahunga is the mountain that speaks to my heart


Ko Kohuroa te awa e whakamahea ake nei i aku māharahara

Kohuroa is the river that alleviates my worries


Ko Te Moananui ā Toi e ngunguru nei i aku wawata

Moananui o Toi is the ocean that rumbles my aspirations.


Ko te Ōmaha te Marae e haumaru nei i tōku wairua.

Ōmaha the marae that protects my spirit.


Ko Te Kiri te tupuna  e manaaki nei i tōku mauri

Te Kiri is the spiritual ancestor that looks after my spiritual energy 


Ko Leigh te Kura

Leigh is the school


Ko Kerrin Jamieson te tumuaki

Kerrin Jamieson is the Principal


E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Ngāti Manuhiri e noho nei te Kura o Leigh.

I want to acknowledge the iwi of Ngāti Manuhiri where our school resides 

We would love the opportunity to show you through our beautiful school.
Please feel free to call in or contact us.

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